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Exclusively in Oman | Get rid of colon pain in just one day

Finally, Shake-Off Phyto Fiber is now sold in Oman! With astounding detox effects and great reviews to match it, it’s one of the top competitors for detox drinks due to its brilliant all natural formula, while maintaining a low price for the copious health benefits provided.

Order Now! 50% off

What is Shake-Off?

Shake-Off, by Edmark, is a 100% natural Phyto Fiber health drink that’s optimal for detoxification, colon cleansing, energy boosting, weight loss promotion, and cholesterol reduction. It has no side effects, and combined with drinking enough water, will lead to the aforementioned health benefits, leaving the user feeling both refreshed and energetic, while cleansing their body of harmful toxins, parasites, and chemicals.

What are the Ingredients in Shake-Off?

The active and all-natural ingredients found in the Shake-Off Phyto Fiber drink are few in

number, they are:

  • OATS, absorbs cholesterol and prevents colon cancer.

  • ROSELLE, rich in vitamin C, iron, calcium, riboflavin, niacin, and has anti-oxidant properties that enhances the beauty of the skin.

  • GARCINIA CAMBOGIA, suppresses the appetite and speeds up the body’s metabolism. It also regulates blood sugar levels and lowers cholesterol.

  • INULIN, a prebiotic that stimulates the production of good bacteria in the intestines. It also relieves diabetes mellitus.

  • PLANT FIBERS, provides a feeling of fullness and helps relieve intestinal toxins. It also relieves diarrhea and absorbs excess water in the intestines.

Shake-Off has NO side effects and is safe for everyone to use regardless of their age, or have special medical conditions such as diabetes.

The biochemistry of these ingredients mainly promote colon-cleansing and detoxification, but other health benefits such as lowering cholesterol and boosting energy are found, making Shake-Off one of the top health drinks to be found. This drink will also prevent Coprostasis (hardening of bowels in the digestive system), and prevent colon cancer.

What are the benefits of Shake-Off?

This fast, affordable, and effective drink is easy to make, and the results and positive effects can be felt in as little as eight hours after the first drink. The metabolism is stimulated, cholesterol is brought down, the body is nourished, complexion is improved, and expulsion of harmful waste is stimulated.

Key Characteristics:

- FDA approved ingredients

- Fast and Effective

- No Side effects

- Low cost

- Tastes great

How to use:

  • Each Shake off box contains 12 sachets

  • Pour one sachet in a 250ml glass or bottle of water and shake well

  • Drink once a day, 3 hours after dinner, for one week

  • Do not eat after drinking Shake Off for 3 hours or more

To order Shake Off, please:

  • Register your name, number and country

  • You will be contacted by one of our employees

  • Note: Free delivery to all Arab countries

  • 50% off the original price

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